- :fontawesome-brands-github: @goharbor/harbor
Demo with Helm and Minikube
- Helm
- minikube
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress-dns
helm repo add harbor https://helm.goharbor.io
helm install demo harbor/harbor
kubectl get ingress
# Edit /etc/hosts
>> core.harbor.domain
- https://core.harbor.domain/
- username admin
- password Harbor12345
- Create User
- Create
Project - Assign User
to Project
Docker login
docker login -umhmdio core.harbor.domain
# Error response from daemon: Get https://core.harbor.domain/v2/: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
# Download ca.crt from Project
security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain ./ca.crt
docker login -umhmdio core.harbor.domain
Docker Push Command
Tag an image for this project:
# docker tag SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG] core.harbor.domain/test/REPOSITORY[:TAG]
docker tag alpine:latest core.harbor.domain/test/alpine:latest
Push an image to this project:
# docker push core.harbor.domain/test/REPOSITORY[:TAG]
docker push core.harbor.domain/test/alpine:latest
Helm Push Command
Add Harbor to Helm Repository List
helm plugin install https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push
# Add only Test Project
helm repo add --ca-file ca.crt --username=mhmdio --password=Harbor12345 mini-harbor https://core.harbor.domain/chartrepo/test
Tag a chart for this project:
helm chart save CHART_PATH core.harbor.domain/test/REPOSITORY[:TAG]
~helm chart save . core.harbor.domain/test/harbor:1.4.0-dev~
Push a chart to this project:
helm push --ca-file=ca.crt --username=mhmdio --password=Harbor12345 chart_repo/hello-helm-0.1.0.tgz mini-harbor
# helm push --ca-file=../Downloads/ca.crt --username=mhmdio --password=Harbor12345 harbor-helm mini-harbor
# helm chart push core.harbor.domain/test/REPOSITORY[:TAG]
CNAB Push Command
Push a CNAB to this project:
cnab-to-oci push CNAB_PATH --target core.harbor.domain/test/REPOSITORY[:TAG] --auto-update-bundle